Become a Tutor!
We have a long waiting list of students waiting to be matched with a volunteer tutor. Join our tutor training. All tutors receive 16 - 18 hours of training and ongoing support from our staff. 

Seven times a year, The Literacy Center offers a comprehensive, 16-hour training program which prepares volunteers to teach literacy skills to individual students and small groups. After the training, the tutor and learner schedule regular sessions at The Literacy Center, Bristol Community College Attleboro Campus, a local library, or another mutually convenient public location. A one-year commitment is required. At any given time, we have up to 100 learners who are urgently awaiting the services of a tutor.
Winter Tutor Training

9:00 am - 12:30 pm
February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
March 7
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
January 31
February 7, 14, 21, 28
March 6

Following the completion of training, volunteers will be matched with an adult who wants to learn to read, improve writing or math skills, prepare for the GED, learn English, or obtain US Citizenship.
  For further information or to register:
  •  call the Literacy Center at (508) 226-3603
  •  email us at
  •  or just Request Information online.

"I tutor at The Literacy Center for many reasons. The students are interesting, motivated, and appreciative. The atmosphere is relaxed and the staff is helpful and friendly. the experience is challenging and deeply satisfying."

     - Ed Ames, volunteer and past TLC Board president

Congratulations to our Fall 2011 Class of Tutors!

John Clapp
Louise Germani
Lauren Gonsalves
Jane Maynard

Desiree McNeil
June O'Beirne
Alice Saville
Kim Vacheron
Carole Rossi 
Sandra Adams
Sandra Esmond

Ann Lane
Denise Perry
Tim Sheehan

© Mark Mangiaratti, 2009