Your donation means a lifetime of opportunity for others.
You can make a donation...
In person:   80 N. Main Street
Attleboro, MA

Over the phone:   (508) 226-3603
Securely online through  
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and to automatically contribute up to 30%
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Make sure you use one of these buttons
so that donations are
made out to the Literacy Center.

Your donation can...


Purchase one GED study guide - $20
Purchase 4 picture dictionaries - $50
Sponsor a student to take the GED test - $65
Fund a 3 hour class for a group of 12 students - $100
Train 4 new tutors - $500
Provide a one year scholarship for a student - $1000


2009 at a Glance

We are fortunate to have added a new class and three new programs to better meet the needs of our students this year. We now serve 150 students in day and evening classes. To our 12 regular classes in Adult Basic Education, Pre-GED/GED, and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) we added a new beginner ESOL section.

In partnership with BCC and with funding from the Bristol County Workforce Investment Board, we added a comprehensive new program for 16-21 year old out of school youth that allows up to 28 young people to work on a GED and explore different career options.

Through the Trade Adjustment Assistance program we added a new 20 hour per week class to help people who have recently lost their job learn new skills to enhance their employability.

Lastly, with the help of a grant from the Verizon Foundation we opened two new sections of computer literacy classes. Our goal of including more technology across all of our programs is being realized.

The response from volunteers in the community has been wonderful. We trained 79 new tutors this year to help meet the growing need. Donations of tutor hours have increased by 25% with 167 students served by tutors. Still, most students wait up to 6 months to be matched with a tutor.

We need your help to continue making progress toward a more literate society where all people can dare to dream of new opportunities.

We appreciate your generosity.

Your donation means a lifetime of opportunity for others.
Tutor Suzanne Withers works with student Fahmeda Sheikh. Fahmeda, a resident of Attleboro, is from Bangladesh. She has been in the US for 3 years and is staying at home with her 2 year old son while her husband works as a counselor at a hospital in Brookline. Fahmeda wants to learn English with an eventual goal of US Citizenship. Suzanne is enjoying the match. ”I’ve learned that she is very enthusiastic.”

Donations of Time and Talent are always welcome!  Be A Volunteer

© Mark Mangiaratti, 2009